Water sports for young people's physical activity
  • foto ragazzi di Adel con manifesto WOW
  • foto di ragazze sulla spiaggia di Pesaro che trasportano una canoa in acqua
  • foto di ragazzi con canoa a Pesaro
  • foto di ragazzi sommozzatori che salutano in piscina a Pesaro

Final Conference

Memorandum of Understanding for WoW common strategy
Memorandum of Understanding for WoW common strategy

On 24th November 2018,  WoW delegates partners were in Getxo for the Final Conference of WoW project.

Partners mutually recognized the need to continue promoting water sports, taking inspiration from the “Sport for all Path” campus and “Sport for all Fest” as recreational instruments to involve children and youth in water sports. To do that, Partners intended to maintain the Local Interest Committee (LIC) at local level also after the project closure, transferring project results directly into the local sport and development policies, thus enlarging the project impact both at local and regional level.

By signing the  Memorandum of Understanding for WoW common strategy, Partners engaged themselves at implementing yhe abover principles at local level through tailored measured also after project lifetime.

Learn more about the final conference and download the agenda and the following slides!

Photogallery Final Conference Getxo

Group picture
Group picture
Working session
Working session
Working session
Working session
Working session
Working session
Working session
Working session
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference
Final conference