Water sports for young people's physical activity
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  • foto di ragazzi con canoa a Pesaro
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Sport for All Fest Getxo - September 2017

Young beginners practicing SUP
Young beginners practicing SUP

The first Sport for all Fest took place in Getxo on 16th September 2017.

Getxo Kirolak promoted it and acquatic activities were practiced by young people aged between 10 to 17 years old.
Sailing, kayaking, rowing, swimming open to everybody for a better knowledge about nautical sports.

Learn more about the Sport for all Fest and the dissemination activities in Getxo!

    Photogallery Sport for all Fest Getxo 2017

    Rowing practice
    Rowing practice
    Preliminary explanation for scuba diving
    Preliminary explanation for scuba diving
    SUP practice
    SUP practice
    Sailing practice
    Sailing practice