Water sports for young people's physical activity
  • foto ragazzi di Adel con manifesto WOW
  • foto di ragazze sulla spiaggia di Pesaro che trasportano una canoa in acqua
  • foto di ragazzi con canoa a Pesaro
  • foto di ragazzi sommozzatori che salutano in piscina a Pesaro

The WoW dissemination campaign is based on three communication channels:

  • Dissemination actions: all activities aimed at changing people’s attitudes and perceptions about the sea, encouraging them in a dedicated and lasting water sport practice.
  • Visual identity package: all communication materials such as the project logo, the project website (http://www.waveonwaveproject.eu) and the project social media channels which are being used since the beginning of the project.
  • Gadgets package: all branded gadgets useful to recognize the project and the EU funding. The gadgets are created to involve the main target audience of WoW project: the young generations. The goal is to enlarge the number of new beneficiaries active in water sports.